Monday, September 9, 2013
QB or Not QB - Pondering the Present & the Future (2013 Week 1)
A Packers friend is jokingly reporting the Vikings have signed Tim Tebow. I hashtag that #MaybeTheyShould.
When the Packer fan told a Viking fan that Tebow was signed. He says, "Are you kidding me?" She answered, "Yes." Classic.
But this isn't funny, is it? It's far too soon to know anything, but on Sunday the fears were temporarily confirmed.
The Vikings looked good in multiple areas. QB was not one of them. But there's always hope. Adrian Peterson was solid, as expected, but he wasn't the only good thing Sunday.
All the talk about the offseason focused on the worry about Ponder and the acquisition of Greg Jennings. Greg wasn't a major factor, but we're 1 game in. Since Greg can still become that impact, I was excited about last year's acquisition and hoping a second year in the offense would show results. As a fan of Jerome Simpson, I was very excited to see him produce well in Game 1. 140 yards is impressive, but consider that 140 is out of a total of 236 thrown by Ponder.
One game is not a season. Half the league lost this weekend. The real question is, what did the Vikings staff and Ponder gain Sunday?
I heard Jerry Glanville say that NFL stands for "Not For Long." After seeing Sunday, that might apply to Ponder's status unless the Vikings coaching staff can adjust and recover. It also might apply to Tim Tebow's unemployed status.
Bleed on,